Well while we were sitting there waiting some immature children and their irresponsible mother pulled out some horrible stinking onions. They just started chowing down like it was nothing. People around them started wrinkling up their noses at the stench. The food court wasn't but a hundred paces from them and they pull those out?! Revolting smell. Then I heard what I've been wanting to hear for the past three hours; "Flight 09 heading to Leeds, England is now boarding."
"Let's go babe." I looked at Kristopher as he held his hand out to me. I took it in mine and started walking to gate 90 with the love of my life. I was uber happy to be away from the stench of the waiting area. I just about got super sick from it. As we get past security the gate person asked to see our tickets, so we showed them to him, well he sent us through another way to the plane because of Kristopher's royality. As we were walking in they wanted to see what they called "credentials," but of course I'm stupid and didn't know what they meant, but good thing my baby did. Anyways, my life long dream came true when we walked into the first class private cab of the plane. There sat the Spice Girls and their families. I looked at Kristopher with my mouth dropped. He just smiled as he took me to sit beside Melanie Chisholm and her baby Scarlett. I got to play with Victoria Beckham's, Melanie Brown's, Emma Bunton's, and Geri Halliwell's kids and I had a blast with them. We became life long friends and Kristopher and I got married 3 months later and had 55 kids and were filthy rich and everyone lived happily ever after....
the end....
or is it?
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